Ben Howland Software Developer

About Me Projects

I started off as a ski tech at a local ski hill. It was here where I began my thirst to learn and perfect what I was doing. While I worked at the ski hill, I would research and test different ways to wax, sharpen, fix, and mount the equipment for every user type. To find out what the best would be for each user I had to learn how to "interview" the customer, a technique that became priceless. In this "interview" I would try and get the feel of the person and try and figure out what they would really want and then I would suggest what I thought and ask how they felt about it. The hill being a local place I would see the person often after the service and we would talk about what could be better or if it was spot on. This experience got me to realize that I enjoyed making things then finding out how to make these things better.

While I went to school, I realized that I have truly "found my calling". I found all the skills that I have been honing in the past few years are very needed and rarely found. From the first class, I was hooked. I was entering a field that a person could try something and it could work in many different ways in as many languages.

My first indrustry job was working in the Cognos system.

I currently work with PHP and Wordpress.

My Expertise


CSS, HTML, Twitter Bootstrap, sass


Java, Ruby on Rails, SQL, MYSQL, PL/SQL, JavaScript, JQuery, PHP, Jekyell, XML


Git, Sublime, Eclipse, Intellij, Mac, Windows, Linux, VMWare, Tomcat, Apache, Github, Heroku, Oracle, Cognos, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Wordpress, Mailchimp

Featured Projects

Home photo for the wedding
Mischelle and Ryans Wedding Page
  • Ruby On Rails
  • MySQL
  • CSS
  • Twitter Bootstrap
  • Project I made with and for a group of friends for their wedding. Made with Ruby on rails. Also learned to use Light box to make many of photos look and feel better.

    Check it out
    Guild Site
    • Featured Skills

    This was built for a guild that broke up saddly.

    Check it out